@echo off :: Alex K. Angelopoulos :: no warranties; may be reused and reproduced. :: please address comments and questions to :: alex@bittnet.com :: :: :: Works on Windows NT/2000/XP ONLY :: Launches a WSH script from the command line with :: custom title and screen colors :: after script terminates reverts to original colors :: usage - requires 3 arguments to be specified. :: arg 1 is the foreground/background color in standard CMD fashion :: arg 2 is the window title :: arg 3 is the full path to the script to be executed. :: if the script takes arguments, up to 6 may be specified after :: EXAMPLE :: HELP check - if insufficient parameters or standard help :: parameters given for first command, skips to help if {"%1"} == {""} goto :HELPTEXT if {%1} == {^/^/} goto :HELPTEXT if {%1} == {^/?} goto :HELPTEXT if {%1} == {^/h} goto :HELPTEXT if {%1} == {-h} goto :HELPTEXT if {"%2"} == {""} goto :HELPTEXT if {"%3"} == {""} goto :HELPTEXT color %1 title %2 cscript %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 color goto eof :HELPTEXT @echo. @echo Syntax: %0 ^ ^ ^ @echo where xy are hex numbers in the range 0-F: @echo ^ specifies background/foreground color @echo. @echo EXAMPLE: @echo %0 17 Demo c:\go.vbs @echo. @echo sets background to dark blue, foreground to white; @echo title displayed will be "Demo" and script c:\go.vbs @echo will be launched via cscript. @echo. :eof