VBnet API Reference
RegCloseKey DoFileDownload: Customize the IE Download Dialog
GetSecurityInfo: Obtaining Registry Key Owner Information
GetSystemInfo: System Processor Information
RegEnumKeyEx: POP3, SMTP, NNTP and LDAP Account Info (Outlook Express)
RegEnumKeyEx: Retrieve Windows Uninstallable Application List
RegEnumValue: Enumerate Registered Shared DLLs
RegQueryValueEx: Determine Active Internet Dialup Connections
RegQueryValueEx: Determine the User's Default Mail Client
RegQueryValueEx: Determine Windows Last Shutdown Date and Time
RegQueryValueEx: Enumerate Registry Time Zone Values
RegQueryValueEx: Identify Time Zones by Time Zone Bias
RegQueryValueEx: Retrieve Email Account Info (Outlook)
RegQueryValueEx: User Default Email Address (Internet Account Manager)
RegQueryValueEx: Windows Registered Owner Information
RegSetValueEx: Create a Registered File Association
RegSetValueEx: Create an Application Launch Button on the IE Toolbar
RegSetValueEx: Forcing a Refresh of Shell Icon Cache
TransparentBlt: Simulating Microsoft's 'Windows Messenger' Notifications - Step 2: The Calling Form
RegCreateKeyEx RegSetValueEx: Create a Registered File Association
RegSetValueEx: Create an Application Launch Button on the IE Toolbar
RegEnumKey RegQueryValueEx: Enumerate Registry Time Zone Values
RegQueryValueEx: Identify Time Zones by Time Zone Bias
RegEnumKeyEx RegEnumKeyEx: POP3, SMTP, NNTP and LDAP Account Info (Outlook Express)
RegEnumKeyEx: Retrieve the Registered File Associations
RegEnumKeyEx: Retrieve Windows Uninstallable Application List
RegQueryValueEx: Retrieve Email Account Info (Outlook)
RegEnumValue RegEnumValue: Enumerate Registered Shared DLLs
RegisterHotKey WM_HOTKEY: System-Wide Keyboard Trapping
RegOpenKey GetSystemInfo: System Processor Information
RegQueryValueEx: Determine Active Internet Dialup Connections
RegOpenKeyEx DoFileDownload: Customize the IE Download Dialog
GetSecurityInfo: Obtaining Registry Key Owner Information
RegEnumKeyEx: POP3, SMTP, NNTP and LDAP Account Info (Outlook Express)
RegEnumKeyEx: Retrieve Windows Uninstallable Application List
RegEnumValue: Enumerate Registered Shared DLLs
RegQueryValueEx: Determine the User's Default Mail Client
RegQueryValueEx: Determine Windows Last Shutdown Date and Time
RegQueryValueEx: Enumerate Registry Time Zone Values
RegQueryValueEx: Identify Time Zones by Time Zone Bias
RegQueryValueEx: Retrieve Email Account Info (Outlook)
RegQueryValueEx: User Default Email Address (Internet Account Manager)
RegQueryValueEx: Windows Registered Owner Information
RegSetValueEx: Create a Registered File Association
RegSetValueEx: Create an Application Launch Button on the IE Toolbar
RegSetValueEx: Forcing a Refresh of Shell Icon Cache
TransparentBlt: Simulating Microsoft's 'Windows Messenger' Notifications - Step 2: The Calling Form
RegQueryInfoKey RegEnumKeyEx: POP3, SMTP, NNTP and LDAP Account Info (Outlook Express)
RegEnumKeyEx: Retrieve Windows Uninstallable Application List
RegQueryValueEx: Enumerate Registry Time Zone Values
RegQueryValueEx: Identify Time Zones by Time Zone Bias
RegQueryValueEx: Retrieve Email Account Info (Outlook)
RegQueryValueEx DoFileDownload: Customize the IE Download Dialog
GetSystemInfo: System Processor Information
RegEnumKeyEx: POP3, SMTP, NNTP and LDAP Account Info (Outlook Express)
RegEnumKeyEx: Retrieve Windows Uninstallable Application List
RegEnumValue: Enumerate Registered Shared DLLs
RegQueryValueEx: Determine Active Internet Dialup Connections
RegQueryValueEx: Determine the User's Default Mail Client
RegQueryValueEx: Determine Windows Last Shutdown Date and Time
RegQueryValueEx: Enumerate Registry Time Zone Values
RegQueryValueEx: Identify Time Zones by Time Zone Bias
RegQueryValueEx: Retrieve Email Account Info (Outlook)
RegQueryValueEx: User Default Email Address (Internet Account Manager)
RegQueryValueEx: Windows Registered Owner Information
RegSetValueEx: Create an Application Launch Button on the IE Toolbar
RegSetValueEx: Forcing a Refresh of Shell Icon Cache
TransparentBlt: Simulating Microsoft's 'Windows Messenger' Notifications - Step 2: The Calling Form
RegQueryValueExString RegQueryValueEx: Identify Time Zones by Time Zone Bias
RegSetValueEx DoFileDownload: Customize the IE Download Dialog
RegSetValueEx: Create a Registered File Association
RegSetValueEx: Create an Application Launch Button on the IE Toolbar
RegSetValueEx: Forcing a Refresh of Shell Icon Cache
ReleaseCapture InflateRect: Highlighting External Windows
ReleaseCapture: Simulating a Working Size-Grip on a VB Form
SendMessage: Creating a Scrollable Viewport to Simulate a Scrollable Form
SendMessage: Move Controls to Simulate Form Scrolling
TransparentBlt: Simulating Microsoft's 'Windows Messenger' Notifications - Step 3: The Notification Form
ReleaseDC BitBlt: Mimicking the PrintScreen Function
BitBlt: Present a Non-Selectable 'No Data' Picture in a ListBox
CreateEnhMetaFile: Saving a PrintScreen as a Windows Enhanced Metafile
DrawFocusRect: Simulating Non-Client Form Movement
EnumFontFamilies: Enumerate Windows Fonts with Font Preview
GetDeviceCaps: Determine the Current System Screen Font
GetTextExtentPoint32: Change Combo List Width Based on Contents
GetTextExtentPoint32: Right-Align List Box Data
InflateRect: Highlighting External Windows
OleCreatePictureIndirect: Mimicking PrintScreen Using OLE
WM_HOTKEY: System-Wide Keyboard Trapping
WM_PAINT: Subclassing to Create a Flat Combo Box
RemoveMenu RemoveMenu: Killing Any Form's Close Menu and 'X' Button - SDI, MDIParent or MDIChild
RemoveMenu: Killing the Form's Close Menu and 'X' Button
RemoveProp SHChangeNotifyRegister: Receive Shell Change Notifications
WM_DRAWITEM: Set Command Button ForeColor


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