VBnet Methods Reference
Methods - C
CalcPixelsPerDlgUnit GetTextExtentPoint32: Right-Align List Box Data
CelsiusToFahrenheit Pure VB: Temperature Conversion Routines
CelsiusToKelvin Pure VB: Temperature Conversion Routines
CenterCellText Pure VB: Simulating a Matrix Checkbox Control Array with a Picture Box
CentreForm Pure VB: Centering a Form or Dialog on the Screen
CentreFormInParent Find and Replace - Step 1: Introduction, Layout and Code
Pure VB: Centering a Form or Dialog in its Parent Form
Pure VB: Centering a Form or Dialog in its Parent Form
CentreLabelText Pure VB: Centre a Label Within a Container
ChangeAll Find and Replace - Step 2: Building the Find/Replace Form
ChangeEnvironmentToPath Win32_Environment: WMI Environment Settings
ChangeFolderFileDate SetFileTime: Modify the Date/Time of Folders and Files
ChangeNext Find and Replace - Step 2: Building the Find/Replace Form
CheckCuePromptBlur Pure VB: Cue Banners for the XP Impaired
CheckCuePromptChange Pure VB: Cue Banners for the XP Impaired
CheckCuePromptOnFocus Pure VB: Cue Banners for the XP Impaired
CheckInetConnection InternetCheckConnection: Another Way to Check for Internet or Network Connection
CheckQuestionStatus WritePrivateProfileString: Creating a Quiz Application- Step 4: Building the Main Quiz Form
CheckString Undocumented Windows: Change Icon Dialog
Undocumented Windows: Path Functions
Undocumented Windows: Shell Dialogs
Chkdsk Win32_LogicalDisk: WMI Method to Invoke Chkdsk
ChooseColorProc ChooseColor: Centering and Customizing the ChooseColor Common Dialog
ChooseFontHookProc ChooseFont: Adding 'Apply' to the ChooseFont Dialog
ClearDialogParams Pure VB: Simulating Owned Windows for MDI Children
ClipboardGetFiles DragQueryFile: Identify Files Copied to the Clipboard
ClipboardHasFiles DragQueryFile: Identify Files Copied to the Clipboard
ComboFlipButtonEdit SetWindowLong: Right-Align List Contents in a Combo
ComboListAlign SetWindowLong: Right-Align List Contents in a Combo
ComboScrollAlign SetWindowLong: Right-Align List Contents in a Combo
COMCheckPort ConfigurePort: Determine Available COM Ports with the MSCOMM Control
CreateFile: Determine Available COM Ports
COMConfigPort ConfigurePort: Determine Available COM Ports with the MSCOMM Control
CreateFile: Determine Available COM Ports
CompareDates SendMessage: Controlling a ListView Sort Using Callbacks
CompareSettings ChangeDisplaySettings: Change Display Resolution
EnumDisplaySettings: Enumerate Available Display Resolutions
CompareValues SendMessage: Controlling a ListView Sort Using Callbacks
ConnectNetDrive WNetAddConnection2: Transparently Connect to Network Shares
ConnectNetFirstFreeDrive WNetAddConnection2: Transparently Connect to Network Shares
ConvertData Pure VB: Simple Algorithms to Obfuscate a String
ConvertData2 Pure VB: Simple Algorithms to Obfuscate a String
ConvertDate Win32_CodecFile: WMI Installed Codec File Info
Win32_LogicalProgramGroup: WMI Start Menu Program Groups
Win32_LogicalProgramGroupItem: WMI Start Menu Program Group Members
ConvertGuidToString WSAEnumProtocols: Additional Data from Enumerated Windows Socket Protocols
ConvertIPtoLong inet_addr
SendARP: Determine Local or Remote Adapter MAC Addresses
ConvertPwSeconds NetServerEnum: Get Password Age All Users on the Specified Machine
ConvertValue Pure VB: Converting Numbers to Roman Numerals (and Back)
CopyListToCombo SendMessage: Duplicate List Contents to Another List or Combo
CopyListToList SendMessage: Duplicate List Contents to Another List or Combo
CopyNode Pure VB: Duplicating the Contents of a TreeView
CopyProgressCallback CopyFileEx: Create a File Backup App with a Progress Callback
CopyTreeview Pure VB: Duplicating the Contents of a TreeView
CopyTVParentNode Pure VB: Duplicating the Contents of a TreeView
CountSearch Find and Replace - Step 2: Building the Find/Replace Form
CreateAssociation RegSetValueEx: Create a Registered File Association
CreateChartStats Shell_NotifyIcon: Respond to Systray Icon/Menu Interaction
Shell_NotifyIcon: Respond to Systray Icon/Menu Interaction in a MDI App
CreateControlGrid SetWindowLong: Changing Button Caption Alignment (non-graphical only)
CreateControls ShellExecute: ShellExecute Madness
CreateDesktopLink SHGetSpecialFolderLocation: Create a Desktop Shortcut
CreateDriveMenu Shell_NotifyIcon: Respond to Systray Icon/Menu Interaction
Shell_NotifyIcon: Respond to Systray Icon/Menu Interaction in a MDI App
CreateFlatToolbar FindWindowEx: Fix the IE5/MsComCtrl 5 Toolbar Problem
CreateFontMenu SetMenuItemInfo: Create a Multi-Column Font Menu
SetMenuItemInfo: Menu Scroll a Standard VB Menu
CreateGUID RegSetValueEx: Create an Application Launch Button on the IE Toolbar
CreateHeader CreateWindowEx: Create the Common Control Header
CreateHeaderItemFormats CreateWindowEx: Create the Common Control Header
CreateHeaderItemMask CreateWindowEx: Create the Common Control Header
CreateHeaderStyles CreateWindowEx: Create the Common Control Header
CreateHorizontalToolbar FindWindowEx: Fix the IE5/MsComCtrl 5 Toolbar Problem
CreateInitialReplaceString Find and Replace - Step 1: Introduction, Layout and Code
CreateInitialSearchString Find and Replace - Step 1: Introduction, Layout and Code
CreateNestedFolders CopyFileEx: Create a File Backup App
CopyFileEx: Create a File Backup App with a Progress Callback
CreateNestedFoldersByArray CreateDirectory: Creating Nested Folders
CreateNestedFoldersByPath CreateDirectory: Creating Nested Folders
CreateNewKey RegSetValueEx: Create a Registered File Association
CreateSliderBrush WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC: Change the Backcolour of a Slider
CreateTempFilename GetTempFileName: Create Temporary Files for Application Use
CreateTreeviewDriveData GetDiskFreeSpaceEx: Detailed Drive Info
CreateUrlFromPath UrlCreateFromPath: Proper URL Path Conversion from a DOS Path
CSIDLToPIDL SHBrowseForFolder: Browse for Folders New UI Features


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