VBnet Methods Reference
Methods - U
Unhook WM_HOTKEY: System-Wide Keyboard Trapping
WM_LBUTTONDOWN: Substitute a ListView for a Combo's Dropdown List
WM_LBUTTONDOWN: Substitute a Tabbed List for a Combo's Dropdown List
WM_LBUTTONDOWN: Using a Combo in a MSFlexGrid to Select Data
WM_SIZING: Maintain Form Aspect Ratio During Resizing
UnHook WM_CONTEXTMENU: Kill the Default Combo Box Context Menu
WM_CONTEXTMENU: Kill the Default Text Box Context Menu
UnhookWindow WM_NOTIFY: Detect Sizing Notifications from a ListView ColumnHeader
WM_NOTIFY: Track Highlighted ListView Column Width Changes via Subclassing
WM_PAINT: Subclassing to Create a Flat Combo Box
WM_SYSCOMMAND: Change and Respond to a Customized System Menu
WM_VSCROLL: Subclassing Listview Scrollbar Messages
UnQualifyPath CopyFileEx: Create a File Backup App
CopyFileEx: Create a File Backup App with a Progress Callback
DeviceIoControl: Determine Media Type for CD/DVD Drives
DeviceIoControl: Lock/Unlock Removable Media Devices
FindFirstFile: An API 'FolderExists' Routine
UnqualifyPath SHBrowseForFolder: Pre-selecting Folders using a Browse Callback
UnregisterButton WM_DRAWITEM: Set Command Button ForeColor
UnSubClass SHChangeNotifyRegister: Receive Shell Change Notifications
Shell_NotifyIcon: Add Icon to Windows System Tray
Shell_NotifyIcon: Animate the System Tray Icon
Shell_NotifyIcon: Respond to Systray Balloon Tip Clicks
Shell_NotifyIcon: Respond to Systray Icon/Menu Interaction
Shell_NotifyIcon: Respond to Systray Icon/Menu Interaction in a MDI App
Shell_NotifyIcon: Use SetTimer to Define Balloon Tip Life
WM_ACTIVATEAPP: Detect Application Activation State
WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC: Change the Backcolour of a Slider
WM_GETMINMAXINFO: Restrict Form Resizing
WM_TIMECHANGE: Detect System Changes to the Date/Time
UnsubclassForm WM_DRAWITEM: Set Command Button ForeColor
UpdateControlShadeSelection ChooseColor: Centering and Customizing the ChooseColor Common Dialog
ChooseColor: Using the ChooseColor Common Dialog API
UpdateInfo WM_HOTKEY: System-Wide Keyboard Trapping
UpdateList FtpFindFirstFile: Download Files via FTP with a Download Progress Callback
WritePrivateProfileString: Creating a Quiz Application- Step 2: Building the 'TopScores' Form
ValidateDir SHGetFileInfo: ListView Demo 1 - Obtaining the File Path
ValidateUser LookupAccountName: Verify a User's Account
VarPtrArray CopyMemory: Determining Array Initialization State and Dimensions
vbAddFileItemIcon SHGetFileInfo: ListView Demo 4 - Adding the Associated Icons
vbAddFileItemView SHGetFileInfo: ListView Demo 2 - Populating the ListView
SHGetFileInfo: ListView Demo 4 - Adding the Associated Icons
vbGetBrowseDirectory SHGetFileInfo: ListView Demo 1 - Obtaining the File Path
vbGetComboFileSpec SHGetFileInfo: ListView Demo 1 - Obtaining the File Path
vbGetComboTargetType SHGetFileInfo: ListView Demo 1 - Obtaining the File Path
vbGetFileDate SHGetFileInfo: ListView Demo 2 - Populating the ListView
vbGetFileList SHGetFileInfo: ListView Demo 2 - Populating the ListView
SHGetFileInfo: ListView Demo 4 - Adding the Associated Icons
vbGetFileSizeKBStr SHGetFileInfo: ListView Demo 2 - Populating the ListView
vChangeInstance Find and Replace - Step 2: Building the Find/Replace Form
vFindInstance Find and Replace - Step 2: Building the Find/Replace Form


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